Everyone else has a personal web site, so I figured, why not me too? On this site I'll describe myself and share my interests
and ideas with you. I have several websites written for me and about me, so this time, I'd like to do some of my own writing.
I'm already having fun!
My Favorites
Favorite Band: Roy Orbison's B &
W Band TV show: Frasier, Nanny, Sex In The City Movie: Pride and Prejudice & lots more Book: Da Vinci Code
and Honeymoon Sports team: FortyNiners and Giants Food: Asian and European
My Hobbies
I'm called a novelist now because I have written two books. Coming Home and Promising Skies. It required a lot of writing,
editing and proofreading, done by myself and my editors. When not writing, I play the piano, guitar, my music software, PC
Karaoke, and lots of PC activities. I paint (oil medium), crochet, needlepoint and would love to get back to my sewing
if there were more hours in the day. I adore ballroom dancing when there are partners available! I also love exercising (honest!)
in my home gym. I love watching DVDs and videos in our home theater with screen, sound and popcorn to rival multiplex
Most Admired
I admire Madonna, Mariah Carey and Janet Jackson. These are some of the women today who had goals and fulfilled
them! Madonna indeed fulfilled her "Material Girl" lyrics, Janet Jackson became "Miss Jackson" to all of us, and Mariah
Carey had become my "Hero".